Woodwork Class – Ultimate Power Tools


Woodwork Class – Ultimate Power Tools

Use and understand every power tool you are ever likely to see, the ultimate power tool class. Learn how to use power tools safely and properly to create a professional finish and a few more things that aren’t in the book.

If you’ve ever said “I want to be able to use power tools properly” then this is the course for you. If you’re already comfortable with hand tools great, if you’ve never picked up a hand plane in your life it doesn’t matter either way, we go from scratch and if you want those jobs to go faster with less effort; a power tool is the answer.

Watching it on youtube is one thing but testing them all out and learning how to use them properly with an instructor by your side is the ultimate way to learn. In this class students will learn how to set up and use the tools safely and discover which is the best tool for each job, from rough carpentry work to fine cabinet work.

You will also learn different woodworking techniques that can make the difference between the project looking like home DIY verses a professional piece of work that can be handed down for generations. The right tool for the right job isn’t only easier and faster, it gives you a terrific sense of enjoyment, accomplishment, and pride.


Content score (practical/info-theory): 5/5

This course is designed to learn how to use power tools properly. Having an instructor by your side is the ultimate way to learn. In this class, students will learn how to set up and use the tools safely and discover the best tool for each job.

  • Table Saw
  • Band Saw
  • Scroll Saw
  • Circular Saw
  • Power Mitre Saw
  • Reciprocating Saw
  • Jig Saw
  • Drill Press
  • Jointer
  • Thickness Planner
  • Power Planes
  • Angle Grinders
  • Grinding and Sharping Stations
  • Metal Power Saws
  • Belt Sanders
  • Sanding Stations
  • Spindle Sanders
  • Palm Sanders
  • Orbital Sanders
  • Fein Multitool

David will also cover what to buy and not to buy, maintenance, and what to look for in second-hand power tools.

Maximum of 6 students.

By booking this course, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions: https://greatbritishwoodshop.co.uk/Activity-Risk-Waiver

General information for your visit.

Please wear clothes suitable for dusty work, sensible shoes and your own lunch. There is a local shop nearby if you wish to buy lunch or you can bring a packed lunch with you. Tea and coffee is provided throughout the day.

If you have some of your own tools and would like to learn how to use them properly, then you are welcome to bring them and use them on the course. We have a fully equipped workshop so there is no need to bring anything, but some students like to bring their own.


Starts: 09:30 AM
Ends: 05:00 PM

Location: Cherry Lodge, Oakcroft Rd West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6JH

DAY CLASS BEGINNER AND INTERMEDIATE Use and understand every power tool you are ever likely to see. Learn how to use power tools safely and properly to create a professional finish and a few more things that aren't in the book.

Ticket Information

Ultimate power tools - 31st March 2025, 9.30-5.00pm

Not found a date which suits you?

Get in touch and we’ll let you know when new dates are released.




"Great class - for a beginner, David manage to cut right through to what was most important about getting the basics right without leaving you feeling too overwhelmed. I feel encouraged to learn more and tackle some more serious projects in the future. Highly recommended. "
Woodwork Class – Ultimate Power Tools
"In short, yesterday's Essential Power Tools Workshop was EMPOWERING! The small class size made it personal and a safe space to ask questions. So pleased I did it and would highly recommend it to others. Thanks Dave."
Woodwork Class – Ultimate Power Tools
"A really good course, covering everything that you might need or want to know. I really recommend it. Fantastic. I'll be going back for some more as there is a great range of areas covered by the various courses."
Woodwork Class – Ultimate Power Tools